Thursday, 16 April 2015

Revit Material Classes and Assets

When it comes to Revit materials, there are quite a lot of options we can modify for both the class of materials used, as well as the material assets. This entry will discover and investigate the 16 material classes Revit provides, as well as their inherent asset properties. The image below is of a wall with 1m² material swatches. Each material class (Including each main asset category properties) will be applied sequentially to each swatch face.

The end result will look like the image below. Note that we will bump the asset properties up to the maximum for visual explanation purposes, so for the pedantic types out there, rather have a glass of wine while reading this post.

In the Materials Browser, Revit Material Classes can be found as indicated by 1 in the image below. Material Names (2) have been created from each of the classes. In 3, material assets have been duplicated and properties have been modified.

 Depending on the material class, we will have varying properties we can change. Some of the properties can be seen below, using the Fabric material class.

Material Class: Ceramic

Material Class: Concrete

Material Class: Fabric

Material Class: Flooring

Material Class: Gas

 Material Class: Glass

Material Class: Insulation

Material Class: Liquid

Material Class: Masonry

Material Class: Metal

Material Class: Misc

Material Class: Plaster

Material Class: Plastic

Material Class: Stone

Material Class: Tile

Material Class: Wood

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